News and Events


An innovative approach was adopted by BSNL Nagpur to motivate and sensitize employees wrt benefits of YOGA. The entire week ,starting from 16th June was designated as WELLNESS WEEK.

Each day group morning walks was organised at Japanese Garden. Employees staying far off ,walked in their localities. Employees were motivated to take pictures and post on social media.

BSNL Corporate office was also informed about the activities at Nagpur and the same was well appreciated.. Further drive to clean the Japanese garden was also held on one day ,wherein the BSNL employees collected the plastic waste and gutka wrappers thrown by visitors.

Each day a practise session for yoga was held wherein BSNL employees Shri ShyamDeashpande and Shri Kapil Bhoyar ,who are yoga trainers associated with Janardan Swami Yogabhyasi Mandal Nagpur,

trained the BSNL employees wrt the ASAANAS to be performed in Public on 12st June.On the International yoga day , BSNL actively participated in public yoga organised at Yeshwant Stadium along with the citizens of Nagpur.

The programme of WELLNESS WEEK thus concluded on International Yoga Day with the employees going back ,charged and motivated to continue the yoga in coming days.This was informed by a press release from the BSNL.

17TH All India BSNL/WL/PL/BP Tournament 2017-18 was held at Patna under the Auspices of BSNL Bihar Circle Sports & Cultural Board with effect from 12/12/2017 to 15/12/2017.

From BSNL Maharashtra Telecom Circle total 13 players participated for Weight Lifting/Power Lifting event.

It is a great pleasure to inform that one of the Player of BSNL Nagpur Shri. S.V.Narsekar SDE Nagpur got 3rd place & won “Bronze” Medal in 83 Kg category of Power lifting category.

On behalf of BSNL Nagpur Mrs. Namratta Tiwari General Manager Telecom whole heartedly congratulates Shri. S.V.Narsekar for his glorious victory & achievement and conveyed her “BEST WISHES”.

Telecom Women Welfare Organization, BSNL Nagpur, having more than 200 members which includes the Women Employees and Wives and Daughters of Male Employees of BSNL Nagpur, organized “RAKHI SAVAN MELA” in their premises on 03/08/2017. The mela had attractive stalls for selling various items related to ongoing and upcoming festival season. The mela was inaugurated by the Chief Engineer (Civil), Shri S.N. Parate and was attended in large numbers by the families of employees of BSNL, Nagpur.

Competitions like Slogan writing, Essay writing were also organized for which the employees participated enthusiastically. NGO’s namely (1) Mrs. Kiran Binkar Dive, (2) Vasundara Charitable Society and (3) Mrs. Mishra also participated in the Mela by putting up various stalls. The mela was grand success.

Mrs. Suhasini Aiyer, Secretary, Mrs. Deepti Chauhan, Jt. Secretary, Mrs. Kashiraman, Jt. Secretary, Mrs. Uma Vadali, Treasurer of TWWO and all the members of TWWO worked hard for the success of the programme.


Telecom Women Welfare Organization BSNL, Nagpur.

दिनांक 31 जूलै 2017 को महाप्रबंधक दूरसंचार के कार्यालय में दोपहर 2.30 बजे, जूलै महिने मे सेवानिवृत्‍त होनेवाले कार्मिकों के लिए विदाई समारोह का आयोजन किया गया । महाप्रबंधक दूरसंचार माननीय श्रीमती नम्रता तिवारी जी ने कार्यक्रम की अध्‍यक्षता की ।

कार्यक्रम में बी.एस.एन.एल के वरिष्‍ठ अधिकारी, सेवानिवृत्‍त होने वाले कार्मिकों के नियंत्रण अधिकारी और विशेष तौर पर सेवानिवृत्‍त होनेवाले कार्मिक श्री एस एस मकरंदे, तपनकुमार चॅटर्जी, रेखा एस नारनवरे, बी डी भगत, जे टी बारागव्हाने, एह बी चंदनखेडे, ए एस वानखेडे, डी डी गोडघाटे, पी एन ढेंगरे, गुरूदत्त मेश्राम, और एच आर चंदनखेडे उपस्थित थे । कुल मिलकार 11 कार्मिक अधिवर्षिता पर सेवानिवृत्‍त हुए।

महाप्रबंधक महोदया माननीय श्रीमती नम्रता तिवारी जी के करकमलों द्वारा सत्‍कार मूर्तियों को शाल, श्रीफल, प्रमाणपत्र देकर सम्‍मानित किया । साथ में चांदी का सिक्‍का एवं एक-एक पौधा भेंट स्‍वरूप प्रदान किया गया । तत्‍पश्‍चात् सत्‍कार मूर्ति, उनके नियंत्रण अधिकारियों ने तथा वरिष्‍ठ अधिकारियों ने अपना-अपना मनोगत व्‍यक्‍त किया ।

महाप्रबंधक महोदय माननीय श्रीमती नम्रता तिवारी जी ने अपने अध्‍यक्षीय भाषण में सभी सेवानिवृत्त होने वाले कार्मिको कों उन्होंने उनके स्वस्थ और सुखी जीवन के लिए शुभकामनाए दी ।

उप मंडल अभियंता ( कल्याण ), श्रीमती आर कासीरमन ने धन्‍यवाद ज्ञापित किया । जलपान के साथ कार्यक्रम का समापन हुआ । इस कार्यक्रम का संचालन श्रीमती उज्‍वाला दलाल, वरिष्‍ठ हिंदी अनुवादक द्वारा किया गया ।

सहायक महाप्रबंधक(प्रशासन),

महाप्रबंधक दूरसंचार का कार्यालय,


BSNL Nagpur, as per the instruction of Corporate office celebrated International Yoga Day on 21st June 2017.

As we humans are busy in fulfilling worldly desires by exploiting the environment, the entire human race on Earth has found itself leading a mechanical life. To seek a change from this kind of rat race, BSNL Nagpur along with Telecom Women Welfare Organization Nagpur joined hands and participated in a the massive Yoga gathering to mark International Yoga Day on 21st June 2017. The Mass Yoga program at the massive Yashwant Stadium at Nagpur was conducted with near about 40000 people. The program was jointly organized by Janardhanswami Yogabhyasi Mandal, Nagpur Municipal corporation, and Yogaprachark Sanstha. In the morning at 06.00 hrs a large number of around 80 BSNL employees along with TWWO members under the leadership of Shri. P.K.S.Barapatre, Jt. G.M. and Mrs. Madhuri Nimje, DGM(Urban) participated in the gathering and performed Yoga.

On this occasion, BSNL Nagpur organized a mela with BSNL Banners for SIM sale; and free SIMs were distributed. The entire exercise got good response from the public present for the Yoga Day Celebration.

In the evening TWWO arranged a Meditation program at about 1630 hrs under the President ship of Mrs. Namratta Tiwari General Manager Telecom /President of TWWO, at Amenity hall CTO compound Nagpur. Mrs. Namratta Tiwari, GMT in her speech, expressed her views about the importance of YOGA with a special emphasis on Yoga at the International level. She also expressed her desire about opening of a gymnasium in BSNL Premises which would serve to cope up with stress, thus to help the BSNL employees in delivering quality performance and leading a healthy life.

Shri. Shyam Deshpande, a BSNL employee, who also happens to be a disciple of Janardhan Swami Yogabhyasi Mandal well explained in an apt manner the importance of Yoga in life, and how quality of life can be improved through simple Meditation. He also explained how to achieve “Mind Control and Tolerance” which can prove as asset qualities to human beings, assisting them to co-exist. While doing Meditation, when focusing on breath helps, the body shifts with ease into a Self-communication mode. ‘Pranayaam’ was taught in simple way by Shri. Shyam Deshpande and he explained the feeling of self realization through ‘Pranayaam’ and how it assists in feeling more relaxed and less anxious.

Around 75 members both Male and Female employees and TWWO members participated in the gathering and took the benefit of the Meditation session. The celebration ended with vote of thanks and small refreshments.

BSNL Nagpur along with TWWO celebrated World Environment Day on 5th June 2017. TWWO BSNL in association with Green & Clean Foundation Nagpur arranged tree plantation programme in various parts of Nagpur SSA. Around 50 saplings of fruits (oranges, Lime, Mango, etc) has been planted in Staff quarter Sanchar Vihar colony premises by BSNL employees under the head of Mrs. Namratta Tiwari G.M.T. Nagpur. Jt. G.M.(Admn) & all DGMs and TWWO members participated enthusiastically and Sanchar vihar colony residents adopted the saplings and assured to take care of the same.

Shri. Sunil Agrawal G.M.(Mobile) also participated and fruit tree planted with his hands in the premises of Sanchar Vihar Colony.

Shri. Parate, Chief Engineer Civil and his team planted Lime trees in CTO compound. Fruit trees were planted by WTP wing under the head of Shri. M.M.Naikwade DGM (WTP).

At 1500 hrs of 5th June 2017, TWWO along with Green & Clean foundation, under the scheme of “Swacch Bharat Abhiyan” an awareness drive was initiated by the way of power point presentation at conference hall of GMT building and speech given by NGO on “Awareness of Environment Go Green”. GMT in her speech emphasized that a drive has been initiated by BSNL to insist the customers to receive the telephone bills through E-mail and make payments on line. During interaction employees expressed that they have started reusing the old papers which is of one side blank. Merit student Ms. Divija Sutone Daughter of Shri. Sutone BSNL Employee who is totally blind was felicitated in the function as she secured 89% in HSC. Essay writing on the topic “Go Green Environment” was also conducted. Large number of Employees participated and take pledge to say “No to Plastic“ through a signature campaign.

Telecom women welfare organization Nagpur celebrated “Save Bird” program on 29/4/2017 at Telecom Bhavan Building Nagpur.

Birds play an essential part in the cycle of nature. It is our duty to save these beautiful birds to save the environment. Only by doing even smaller things we can give our support to save these birds and our environment also.

Awareness program with respect to Saving the Birds was celebrated enthusiastically by Women Employees as well as the spouse of Male employees of BSNL. Male employees had also participated in the program. Most of the Members of TWWO including Vice president/DGM Mrs. Madhuri Nimje willingly came forward to draw beautiful Bird with Rangoli and made the venue Colorful. Mrs. Alka Agrawal Vice President of TWWO offered grains to the Birds.

By placing the water bowls and grain, all the members expressed the need of saving birds during this peak summer. The message of “Saving Bird” was conveyed by distributing water bowls to some male employees as well as to the public. While distributing the bowls, Mrs. Alka Agrawal had expressed the view that “Many birds die in summer without water…. Save them“. The necessity of Placing water bowls and grain at various locations help the birds to survive the hot summer since it is difficult for them to find water. Therefore for the survival of birds during summer, TWWO Nagpur has initiated this program and expressed the motto“ save the birds by keeping bowls of water and food grains in the terrace and balconies”.

The program concluded with the motto of spreading the awareness of saving birds among people.

Telecom women welfare organization (TWWO), established by the female employees and female family members of BSNL Nagpur employees ,having a membership of aprox. 250 , celebrated International women’s Day 2017, with great enthusiasm with a number of activities, involving the members and families of BSNL Nagpur employees.

To ensure “happiness with good health”, a Health check up camp was organized on 7th March ,in association with Shat-ayu Hospital Nagpur. Around 100 female employees were checked for general well being.

On 8th March ,a programme was organized in which Smt. M. Thomas ,Post Master General Nagpur was the Chief Guest. President TWWO and General Manager BSNL Nagpur Smt. N. Tiwari , presided over the function. Smt. Thomas sensitized about the “Dreams of young girls”, spoke about female infanticide. She appreciated the efforts of TWWO in bringing the families of BSNL employees together.

Dr Sheeren ,spoke at length about nutrition and how working women can take care of the nutrition in their diet. Shri Shyam Deshpande ,took the participants through a short spell of meditation and discussed why YOG is important in today’s lifestyle. A free YOG camp shall be organized for week wef 20th March for the benefit of BSNL employees at Amenity hall. Ms. Velukar, practicing psychologist encouraged participants in the discussion about Role reversals and how women came to be known as the weaker sex. There was an interactive session on the gender parity and its social perspective.

A number of female employees participated in the programme with songs and poems.The President TWWO , Smt. N. Tiwari, in her Presidential address discussed the campaign “BE BOLD FOR THE CHANGE”. She spoke about how Corporates, Men and Women can work towards an all inclusive society and the positive impact it has when there are female employees on Board, in Teams. It was also mentioned that the erstwhile Post &Telegraph ,popularly known as P&T, is now two organisations i.e. Postal Department and Bharat sanchar Nigam Ltd.(BSNL). Both these organisations are having Women officers as heads in Nagpur and this is moment of pride for Nagpur.

The celebrations ended with inauguration of a drawing class for children, in the residential colony, Sanchar Vihar . Participating children enthusiastically accepted the drawing material distributed by TWWO.

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